I have fantasies about wallpaper. One day, when I'm certain my lease will be for more than a year, and when I find a landlord who sees eye to eye with my beautiful design visions, I am going to wallpaper the heck out of my home. Floral print, peacock feather print, bright colours everywhere. Until then, however, I'm forced to get a bit creative. And I'm willing to bet you are too.
For months, I've been trying to figure out how to fill up the blank white wall which runs alongside my bed. At the head on the wall I've got a cluster of art, at the base I've got a collection of found photographs from a road trip from Toronto to Vancouver in 1970 (Cha-ching! Best find ever), but the middle has always looked frustratingly bare. I played around with different things and eventually decided: I am going to fake wallpaper until I can have the real thing. I dug up a beautiful old floral sheet I'd bought for a couple bucks at Value Village because I liked the pattern, tacked it up, and in a matter of minutes: voila! Full wall, cozy room, wallpaper at a glance:
You can find lots of pretty vintage fabric on the cheap at any Value Village, Salvation Army, or church bazaar. I found a stack of beautiful ones at the weekly bazaar held at Mont Royal and St Hubert every Thursday for pretty cheap--go grab em!
Sheets work wonderfully if you want a bigger space covered, but smaller sections of fabric can be gorgeous as art on your wall, framed or unframed.

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